Tuesday 1 October 2013

An Entrepreneur’s journey: “ASUU strike inspired me to go into grilled chicken business”

Opportunity is key to entrepreneurs. There are opportunities everywhere, whether you identify it and key into it depends on you and how observant you are. While others complain about ASUU strike, some people take the bulls by the horn and tame it. This is one entrepreneur who should inspire you to look beyond what you see in circumstances around.

Tell us about yourself
My name is Nelson Ogun, I am from the Owan-West Local government area of Edo State. I was born into a family of five on the 3rd of February. I studied Political science and Public administration at the University of Benin, Benin City.

Tell us about your business
The brand name of the business is Nelson Grillz. We sell Barbeque chicken/turkey and chips as well and have plans to include fish soon.
The business is still very young as it only became fully operational on July 20th 2013.

What Inspired you to do this?
The first time the idea came to my mind was summer of 2008 during the ASUU strike (Hint Hint to all the current ASUU victims, hehe) that lasted for about 4 months. I was tired of staying at home doing the same routine everyday so I thought up a way I could make money while the strike lasted. At that time I had no Capital and little or no idea about the business (like production of the grilled chicken, managing the business etc). Back then though, I got a little discouragement from friends and family because they thought it wouldn’t be a lucrative one considering the location I chose inside my estate(a small suburb). For a couple of years the idea was locked up in my head, but I was doing some grilling for family cookouts and hangouts, which is where I got my main experience from.During my NYSC year I decided to save up some reasonable amount of money, which is what I used as capital to fund the business and eventually Nelson Grillz was born.What has the experience been so far?Well there have been the very good days and those days you feel or ask yourself  “am I making the right decision?”. Truth is I love what I am doing and I’m very passionate about it so I don’t see my self giving up or backing down. Someone once told me “the most successful people in the world are very stubborn” these are the words I live by.
The reception from Family and Friends since Nelson Grillz commenced has been HUGE! In fact the first few weeks into it, they were my main customers, all thanks to them though for their support.
Now that the business is approximately 2 months old, residents of the estate patronize me a lot and give me their support as well. I shared fliers one time and that has also helped in bringing customers from other places while some people come based on recommendation.What are the major challenges you face?The biggest challenge thus far has been buying my stock (the chicken/turkey) because its very scarce. Also electricity to store is a problem. This sometimes cripples me because I can’t buy my stock in large quantities as I’d love to.

To place your orders for parties and merriment (hehe)
Call – 08162042676, 07089944367
Mail – nelsonsearching365@yahoo.com
BB Pin – 2754bf5d

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